Sunday, November 3, 2024

Focus beyond the the mental click-bait, their distrating, trivial and superfluous derivatives


 Focuses beyond the the Mental  Click-bait, 


its distracting, trivial and superfluous 


Funny ClickBait - Phishing Clickbait - Posters and Art Prints | TeePublic

                             'Focusing on the essential utilities than the peripheral aesthetics'

We waste our energies on trivial and superfluous things due to not having a grasp         on the reality that a minimally-needed requirement for our stable operations of maintenance and sustenance is not that hard to grasp. Once we dismiss the             trivialities of superfluous distractions and redundancies, there are these                 'Maslow's' that we need. They are our physiological health, a logistical shelter               with sustaining supplies, and a commercial network in which we can trade our              skills for the income needed for the former two-physiological health and logistical maintenance.

The third aspect of a commercial connection for income has become a maze of entrapping servitudes 
Domestic Servitude | Is it the Modern Day Form of Slavery? that                 threaten     the physiological and the logistical that are the foundation of our                stability. With a stable commercial source- a 'J-O-B'-of revenue the basic           physiological and logistical can be expanded to a network with others that                       can be more a branch of your operational legacy.

The J-O-B can be  the traditional shift and salary arrangement of 40 hours or            more with an employer. Self-employment of 60-90 hours a week with your own           more  self-defining, self-servitude for the almighty-$$$ as an option.  There are                the more self-sacrificing 'starving artisan' labors that would lead you to these            other options that would supplement your aspirations of self-expression.

There are within the askanced-looked-at and discredited Multi-Level-Marketing industry operations that DO have a worthy and needed service sector for your physiological health utilities [this particular example gives you a suggestive idea             of what's out there beyond fungibly common consumer products . Though          operating on the structure of tangible gains in income by the members you                recruit and the members your recruits recruit, it does provide the worthy                    intangible discounts to health service access]. In a similar vein, there are *reward programs* run by a myriad of institutions that will pay you in a similar M-L-M            style for the customer referrals as new clients and the new clients that they bring            to the vendor.

With these three forms of employer-based, self-employment with the added                     side-hustle of M-L-M group chain side income, you have the basis for using                  your income as investment revenue. There are the equity markets of stocks                        -bonds-commodity options and derivatives. There is the equally speculative              cyber-currency markets.

There's also a group investments in which you purchase shares of 'units'. These                 units are a collection of businesses that are clients that pay our parent company            for promoting them. Every 30 business days there's a payout for the members             based on the units purchased and owned [with the original purchase equaling               the price of 2-units (presently $198.00)]. Every 5th unit purchased is rewarded                with an additional 6th unit. That's the basic model. There's the additional                      M-L-M program to this: if you acquire members to join through your auspices.           Like those other M-L-M programs you get a % for their gains in profits and                    added members.

With the earnings and investments you have revenue and income that begins                   to exceed your basic needs and obligations to others. It's at this point that I                   come to this point on focusing. You could either dissipate your riches or find                 ways to conserve and use your wealth. If you define 'conserving and using your             wealth as providing precipitate derivatives for other streams of income, then I recommend financial instruments that will hold the value of your $$$ beyond             what its paper fiat value that would be affected by inflation or any negative                 monetary changes. For this surplus $$$ beyond needed income and revenue                   for safe and stable investments, precious metals [this particular product is                    one of many available] provide the better non-vulnerable financial                             instrument for such disruptive influences.

When done in conjunction with reliably trustful others in your family-friends                   -associates and formal institutions, the combined pooling of the $$$'s exponentially amplifies what you, the individual does by yourself. Plus, You get the intangible atmospherics of communal interaction that's part of the algorithmic mechanics                  of the financial capital asset gains, which are based with people and entities                 with which you're familiar. 'The Governor' and Uncle Sam will get their piece                 of 'the green', but you and your partners would have been able divert the flow                    of $$$ into your reservoir $$$-pond of assets for your use, before it goes                             down-stream to the municipal-state-n-Federal coffers.

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