Monday, November 18, 2024

Because of the wolves-foxes-and-Judas goats


Because of the wolves-foxes-and-Judas goats...

The wolves-foxes-and-Judas goats have control 

of the 'sheoples' herd-from the elected or 

appointed government authorities to the media 

and market moguls. We citizens have let ourselves  

be co-dependents to these entities 

for our psychological, as well as 

material well-being. 

I see a way of grass-roots cooperation, in leveraging 

our modest resources together to provide revenue 

that leads to greater wealth for us all. 

There are entities that will give you a side-to-full time 

 income, as the ones I have hyper-linked.

With that income you can literally deposit your money 

in banks that pay you a reward for not only bringing 

to them new members, but give you percentage rebates 

on $$$'s spent on the businesses that partner with them 

for your businesWith the accumulated extra funds from the previous enterprises, 

you may now venture into joint investments with others that give

 you share dividends from participating businesses that your  

one-time or regular purchase of share-units allows those 

businesses to have a broader exposure to the public for their 

products and services. The regularly, paid-out dividends, 

when reinvested, give you compound earnings from 

the money you invested.

And with the excess of those compounded earnings, 

you now can  purchase precious metal commodities 

which withstand the inflationary pressures of the economy, 

but you can recruit other members to this club's market sales 

and receive royalties if they add members to this buying club. 

The precious metals are a more conservative way of 

saving your money than the more speculative equity and 

cyber-currency markets.

Individually, you have supplemented your basic 1040 wage income. 

In the joint ventures with others that you know personally or virtually, 

you have expanded the reach of wealth distribution for those as you 

with modest means of your income$. Now you and your collaborators 

have financial vehicles of participation that allows for a supplemental 

and passive stream of money from low-risk sources.



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